Facebook goes old school

June 29, 2012 § Leave a comment

I was a little amused today to receive a direct-mail solicitation from Facebook. Apart from the old-school, off-line strategy, a few other things caught my eye:

  • The address block wasn’t customized. Surely Facebook, with all it’s data-mining prowess, could figure out that I’m the marketing contact at GeoEngineers.
  • Facebook offers four weeks of dedicated phone support with this offer. Phone support?!
  • There was a $100 coupon!

Based on this direct-mail campaign, I’m guessing Facebook has concluded that companies not using Facebook advertising must not be social-media savvy. I can see how it might come to this conclusion, but I think their assumptions may overlook a distinct group of companies—GeoEngineers included—that have chosen not to use Facebook ads as part of a well-thought-out social media plan. I’ll need a lot more convincing—and a much bigger coupon—to sign up.

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